Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Halo 3 Legendary Map pack
Labels: xbox 360 map packs, xbox 360 news, xbox live arcade, xbox live marketplace 0 comments
The second downloadable map pack for Bungie's Halo 3 will arrive on April 15, publisher Microsoft and the now-independent developer have announced. At that time, the previously released Heroic Map Pack will, according to Microsoft, become a free download.
Selling for 800 Microsoft Points ($10), the Legendary Map Pack includes three new multiplayer maps:
Ghost Town- a map that Bungie refers to as the "O.K. Corral."
"As an asymmetric map it's designed for things like One Bomb, and One Flag. It also creates a great environment for FFA and team slayer," says Bungie artist Cameron Pinard.
Avalanche- is retooling of the original Halo map Sidewinder it's a map which they describe as a "lovingly crafter reimagination of Halo: Combat Evolved classic Sidewinder."
There's also an interview on the Bungie Studios website that features the differences between Sidewinder and Avalanche. One thing veterans might understand from the interview is the addition of Man Cannons, the omission of ladders, and the removal of certain portions of the Sidewinder aesthetic to make the map's action "more focused."
Moonlight Sonata- the third map, no info as of yet.
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