Friday, January 18, 2008

Undertow Free on Xbox LIVE Arcade Next Week  


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Xbox has anounced that Undertow,Developed by Chair Entertainment Group,will be the game provided for "compensation" by Microsoft for the Live outages during the holidays. Don't get me wrong Undertow is one of the highest-rated and one of the best looking games available on Arcade. But what if you already have it? What is Microsoft prepared to do for the gamers who own the game already, do they get nothing? I guess we'll have to wait and see what they'll think of next.

Now a little about Undertow, Undertow redefines aquatic based shooters through a mix of high-definition graphics, intuitive controls and multiple modes of game play action. The game features a full story driven-single player campaign, on and offline co-op, and multiplayer for 2-16 players over Xbox LIVE for Gold subscribers. Players battle for control of the oceans as one of three selectable races, each with four unique, upgradeable units.

"Undertow" is available worldwide (normally 800 Microsoft Points) and is rated E10+. The game will be available free of charge to Gold and Silver members world wide at the beginning of next Wednesday, 2:00 a.m. PST through Sunday, 11:59 p.m. PST.

What next?

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