Wednesday, April 9, 2008

InFeCtuS Programmer v0.0.3.9  


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The team of homebrew developers behind the highly versatile InFeCtuS modchip has just released a new build for the application InFeCtuS Programmer, bumping it up to version

The team said that this is going to be the final build for the program. According to the coders, v0.0.3.9 serves as a complete suite as users will find all files necessary to program and manage INFECTUS2 and ARGON products.

The team also published the following changelog:
  • PROGRAMMER.EXE now have built in all the firmwares for INFECTUS2, included the A3P125 and A3P060 firmwares. Simple choose on the menu what you want to program and viola!
  • ACTEL sent to all developers a warning again a BUG that is inside the library called DIRECTC. This bug cause problems in programming mode, we fixed the bug like suggested from ACTEL. This new version of programmer fixed cannot work with old .DAT firmwares. So please, from today who use PROGRAMMER need to use the firmwares provided with the PROGRAMMER.
  • Updated the JTAG programming process, now is more faster
  • Added the support of flash SST39vf010 (the flash of wasabi), who want to read and write this kind of flash need to replace the original flash of INFECTUS2 with this new one.
  • Now programmer understood automatically if is connect INFECTUS2 or INJECTUS
  • Programmer now recognize automatically what is the type of PLD/FPGA connected, and it select the correct firmware for programming. No more mistakes between firmwares. (This for infectus2, for ARGON you need to load manually the .DAT and take care about kind of PLD)
  • ERROR 65 reported on BENQ "trial firmware" application is now fixed.
  • Important Compatibility Warning: The programmer will update the INJECTUS / INFECTUS USB JTAG controller, after this update the old programmers will not works. The update is automatically started when you plug INFECTUS or INJECTUS to PC USB port

InFeCtuS Programmer v0.0.3.9 comes with its own Readme.txt file which should prove to be important during installation and usage.

Download: InFeCtuS Programmer v0.0.3.9

[Via Infectus]

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